Dansk Data Arkiv

Advanced Search

Here you can specify your search by filling in more information. No automatic suggestions for parish and/or district. The result is displayed at a separate tabsheet.

Search for the person

Who lived:

NB! Remember to adjust both boxes. Default is: All years

Search tips

Click on the headlines below and get help for your search

Generally about searching
In the name box, there should always be at least 3 characters.
KIPno can replace parish, district and year
Display of district and parish
When you have chosen a county, the district- and parish boxes will show. Only places that are transcribed will be shown.
Uncertain of the spelling?
You can type your search with exact spelling or you can use a 'joker' symbol. A '_' replaces one character and a '%' replaces more characters.
Danish characters
When using a keyboard without the Danish characters 'æ','ø' and 'å' you can type the characters by using a combination of the [Alt] key and one of the following numbers: 'æ' = 230, 'Æ'= 198, ø= 248, Ø= 216, å = 229 , Å = 197